Monday, January 31, 2011

young buffalo

My friends' band, Young Buffalo, was featured in the U.K. paper The Guardian last week.  I'm so proud of them!  Check out the article here.  For those of you in London, they'll be playing around in February, so check out their myspace for more info!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Maybe because her name is Elephantine, or maybe because her jewelry is so delicate and beautiful, this is my new favorite Etsy designer.  Can't wait to make some purchases!

Friday, January 14, 2011

ski mississippi (for real).

Around the South it is not uncommon to see ads or t-shirts sporting the clever "Ski Mississippi" photograph of a cotton field.  The past few days, though, it REALLY felt like we could ski Mississippi!  It snowed TEN inches!  Unbelievable!

Had way too much fun with the dogs...they didn't know what to make of all the snow!

And poor little Forrest was buried half-way deep in some places...

My sweet, precious sister.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

eleven things

Happy New Year everybody!  Here are eleven things I am grateful for, looking forward to, and thinking of on this first day of 2011!

My wonderful, supportive family.  This is a picture of my sister, my mom, and me last night celebrating New Year's Eve.

My sweet, caring boyfriend who is always there for me.

Our upcoming trip to New York City.

Romantic music, like Diana Krall

Morgan Freeman.

Kanye West's "All of the Lights"

A few more:

The New Year
Graduating in May
My friends

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